Amouranth reveals crazy encounter with fan who flew to her city to marry her

Virginia Glaze
Amouranth crazy fan encounter

Amouranth is one of Twitch’s biggest stars, but with great fame comes… well, a lot of stalkers, as the streamer revealed during an interview with H3H3’s Ethan Klein.

If you’ve been on Twitch for any length of time, you’ll probably have heard of Amouranth. The broadcaster boasts over 3.8 followers on Twitch and has made quite a name for herself due to her IRL broadcasts, which have become a hot topic across social media as of late.

That’s not all; Amouranth is also making serious bank, claiming that her side hustle on another site is raking in over $1 million a month. That’s nothing to sneeze at!

Boasting millions of followers across her combined platforms, Amouranth has her fair share of fans — but some of these viewers can take things a little too far, as she explained during a recent conversation with YouTuber Ethan Klein.

Amouranth Twitch Harassment Nearly Quit
Amouranth is one of the biggest broadcasters on Twitch – but internet fame comes with its caveats, as she told H3H3’s Ethan Klein in an interview.

During the interview, Amouranth revealed that one particular fan had flown all the way out to Houston and even claimed that they were engaged to each other.

“I actually had a guy, this is kind of crazy, who was convinced we were engaged,” she said. “And he flew to Houston, and he was messaging me like, ‘When are you gonna come pick me up?’ He kept harassing my DMs. He’d convinced himself. I’d never talked to this person.”

“He was just constantly like, ‘Come to my hotel. We’re engaged. Why are you avoiding me?’ Like, what? These people are psycho!”

(Topic begins at 0:35)

As for if Amouranth is already married or not, the streamer replied with a firm “no,” claiming that she “doesn’t have that kind of time right now.”

Amouranth is far from the only woman on Twitch to have experienced this kind of harassment; notable streamer Sweet Anita has detailed her horrific experiences with a stalker in the past, claiming that the person moved to her city, followed her to the shops, and even slept outside of her home.

Amouranth’s latest story comes as yet another installment in the annals of the shocking harassment female broadcasters deal with on a daily basis — a problem that many streamers have been outspoken about on multiple occasions.