Andrew Tate blocked from having any visitors in custody according to his brother

Dylan Horetski
Andrew Tate Jake Paul

Andrew Tate has allegedly been blocked from having any visitors while in Romanian custody, according to a claim from his brother Tristan Tate on Twitter.

In December 2022, Andrew Tate’s house in Romania was raided by authorities, which led to the arrest of Andrew, his brother Tristan, and two others.

They’ve since remained in custody, recently attempting to appeal for early release for the second time, and are currently set to be released on February 27, 2023.

Andrew revealed that he was allowed to make a list of visitors back in January, but according to his brother Tristan, he has been blocked from having visitors since.

Andrew Tate blocked from having visitors according to brother

On February 5, 2023, Tristan Tate posted on Twitter claiming that the situation has changed.

“Andrew has not been permitted a single visitor in prison,” he said in his tweet.

It’s unknown how true Tristan’s claim exactly is, as Romanian news sources have reported visits from US consul generals as recently as January 20.

On January 18, Andrew Tate revealed in a post on Twitter that he was allowed to make a list of five people that would be permitted to visit him while in custody.

One of those people was Twitch star Adin Ross, who quickly confirmed that he would be visiting Tate in Romania shortly after he received the news.

Since then, Ross has been quiet about his plans to visit Tate, whose lawyer cast doubt on his ability to visit due to not being a direct family member.

Andrew has yet to speak out about the claim as well.