Asmongold reveals serious health scare he had after playing Diablo 4 for 13 hours straight

Brad Norton
Asmongold on Twitch

Asmongold has returned to social media shortly after a health scare saw him abruptly ending his latest Diablo 4 Twitch stream, leaving fans concerned. After a quick visit to the emergency room, the MMO star has assured he’s “totally fine.”

To celebrate the highly anticipated launch of Diablo 4, Asmongold returned to his main Twitch channel for the first time in seven months. Primarily streaming on his alt account of ‘Zackrawrr,’ whenever his main goes live, it’s a big deal.

However, not all went according to plan with this epic release and equally epic return. Asmon abruptly ended his big Diablo 4 broadcast, following up hours later with a Reddit post seemingly explaining his sudden conclusion.

At the time, he focused the blame on anxiety and stress caused by the situation. “If you’re one of the people who feels like this is stupid, embarrassing, or pathetic, you’re in good company, because I feel the exact same way,” he said.

Though now, through a near six-minute video on Twitter, more details have come to light as Asmon revealed that Reddit post wasn’t sharing the full story. In fact, his recent absence from Twitch came in light of peculiar leg pain, he explained, a pain that led him to the emergency room.

asmongold takes break from streaming after diablo 4
Asmongold’s return to his main Twitch channel ended abruptly amid Diablo 4’s launch hype.

Admittedly, his main channel return and the Diablo 4 hype was “super stressful,” but that wasn’t all that caused him to stop streaming. At first, Asmongold “didn’t even tell [his] dad” about the full picture, as he “didn’t want to get people worried.

“After I streamed Diablo 4 I went directly to bed,” he continued in his June 5 video. “I woke up and I had some pain in my leg. I was stressed out, I was worried. You sit down for a long time, you’ve got pain in your leg, that could be a blood clot. That scared the f*** out of me.”

Initially, he didn’t share the symptoms with anyone else. He hid the situation, exercised, and tried to sleep through it. However, when the pain continued through to the next morning, he decided further action was necessary.

“I thought enough of the bulls***, I’m gonna go to the emergency room.”

After a brief yet costly visit to his local hospital, he returned to social media to assure fans that everything was okay in the end.

“I just got back,” he said. “Basically, they did some tests. It cost me $420. It’s the best $420 I’ve ever spent. I’m totally fine. There’s no blood clot, nothing wrong with me. Just whenever something like that happens, it really gets your mind working. It got me thinking, it got me asking myself an obvious question, if not now, then when?

“I’m almost 33, that’s some f***ing bulls***. As I get older, I’m paranoid whenever I have even the slightest discomfort.”

Admittedly, Asmon’s current lifestyle isn’t exactly the healthiest. From his own perspective, he claims he lives at a “10/10 in terms of degeneracy.” But that’s something he’s now looking to change after the recent scare.

“I think we might dial this down to a 7/10. I think I’m gonna try eat a little healthier and live just a little healthier. It’s not that we’re not gonna be eating any gummy lifesavers, it’s just that we might not have them for breakfast every day.”

So with health now more of a priority following his “particularly eventful day,” fans can expect to see Asmon back on Twitch and playing Diablo 4 again in no time. But if we see shorter streams with longer breaks throughout, rest assured it’s just Asmon looking after himself.