Avengers Tower LEGO set rumored to be biggest ever for Marvel

Brianna Reeves
avengers tower lego set

New rumors claim an Avengers Tower LEGO set inspired by Age of Ultron will launch later this year with a hefty price tag attached.

Marvel-branded LEGO sets have become quite the phenomenon over the last several years, thanks in no small part to the MCU.

While smaller sets lead the charge in terms of quantity, LEGO hasn’t held back on unleashing larger offerings packed with thousands of pieces.

Late last year, MCU faithful were treated to the release of a 4,049-piece Hulkbuster set inspired by the MCU’s Infinity Saga. Priced at $550, this particular collectible was a behemoth in more ways than one. Now it appears LEGO aims to outdo the Hulkbuster with a newer Marvel set scheduled for late 2023.

Avengers Tower could be the MCU’s biggest LEGO set to date

Sharing info from fellow Reddit user FluffySky6, itsjustajoe revealed that another MCU-inspired LEGO set will launch in November 2023.

According to the uncorroborated rumor, the set in question will be modeled after Avengers Tower as it appeared in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

The upcoming Avengers Tower build allegedly bears a $525 price tag, an unsurprisingly steep ask given that it will feature 5,261 pieces. Should such information prove accurate, this will mark the largest Marvel set in LEGO history – a record currently held by the aforementioned Hulkbuster.

Notably, the rumor further claims that a $70 Wolverine Mask will go on sale sometime this summer. There is no estimated number of pieces listed, but if it’s anything like the Batman, Carnage, or Venom masks, fans can expect it to consist of anywhere between 400 to 560 pieces or so.

The supposed Avengers Tower LEGO set has been long-requested by fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If the alleged November 2023 due date is accurate, official details should go live sooner rather than later.