Below Deck Med fans demand double episode comeback to save “terrible” Season 8

Meera Jacka
Below Deck Med fans demand double episode comeback

Below Deck Mediterranean fans are unimpressed, slamming the show’s latest season as “boring” and criticizing its drawn-out weekly release. They are now calling for the season to bring back double episodes as a way to save the season.

Below Deck Mediterranean is getting close to wrapping up its eighth season with only three more episodes to go — and it seems fans cannot wait for the end.

Unlike Below Deck Down Under, another spinoff in the franchise that sees yachties take on the coast of Australia, Mediterranean has been releasing only one episode a week instead of doing a double-up.

And according to viewers on Reddit, the drawn-out season is doing the show no favors. Many are now slamming Mediterranean season 8 as a “snore”, hoping for the last episodes to be released at once just to “get it f****** over with.”

Discussing their thoughts on double episodes, user ‘Oy_wth_the_poodles’ took to Reddit; “I like the double episodes because with one episode it’s like you’re just getting into the situation/drama then BAM you have to wait a week… With the current season of Med, I’d love two episodes just to speed through it.”

Getting into the specifics of what let down the new season, the user said, “The drama of Kyle, Tumi, and Nat is bordering on boring.”

Others quickly chimed in to agree, with one person describing Med as “water torture” and another stating that “This season would have [always] been bad but coming right after a great season doesn’t help it at all.”

“What makes it even worse is that the episodes themselves are [so] slow,” ‘crazycrocodile214’ said. “Don’t get me wrong I love the drama, but because of it, we’ve been with these guests for what, 3 weeks?”

According to one user, however, the season’s drawn-out release may be intentional; “It’s been widely suspected on this thread that they are drawing out the airing of this season to figure out how to deal with the shit storm currently brewing on Sailing Yacht which has already been filmed.”

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