Casey Neistat Passes an Incredible Subscriber Milestone on YouTube

Casey Neistat has reached an incredible milestone on YouTube by reaching the 10 million subscriber mark.

Although he has been a filmmaker for a large portion of his life, Casey Neistat started to gain traction across the YouTube platform in 2015 via his ‘daily vlog’ series which cataloged various aspects of his life and activities.

He soared through the YouTube ranks by keeping a consistent schedule paired with quality content, with each upload taking the form of a ‘mini’ film.

On July 31, Neistat finally passed the mark of 10 million subscribers on his YouTube channel which puts him in an elite category that only a handful of other creators have reached.

In customary YouTube fashion, Neistat will now receive the ‘Diamond Play Button’ plaque for reaching 10 million subscribers. The award is the second-highest honor a channel can obtain in regards to subscriber count, with the ‘Ruby Play Button’ available to those that hit 50 million subscribers.

According to Neistat, he is ‘just getting started’ when it comes to his growth on YouTube, and the career creator will most likely hold true on that statement.

More information on Casey Neistat can be found on his official YouTube Channel and Twitter account.