Dr DisRespect takes shots at popular FIFA streamer Castro in heated rant

Alan Bernal

Popular streamer Dr DisRespect took aim at fellow mustachioed streamer Castro_1021 for what the Doc sees as a constant reluctance to actually play the game instead opting to open player packs instead.

FIFA 2019 simulates the game of football to an impressive degree, and its FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT) mode lets players build their dream team represented by cards acquired through an in-game market or via opening packs.

The back-to-back Blockbuster Video Game Champion started his stream by having a chat with his viewers, when he took a gander at who were the top FIFA streamers on Twitch.

A lot of theory crafting goes into a team before putting them on the field, but some aren’t keen with how long the process takes.

The Doc lost it at the sight of Castro at the top of the list, questioning Castro’s skills at the game he’s popular for playing.

“Let’s see who’s good at FIFA. Is Castro any good at FIFA, or is he just good at opening packs? Let’s go find out,” Doc said as he clicked on Castro’s screen. “See this is all he does. He just picks packs. He doesn’t even play the game. He sells packs, he picks [packs]. He’s not even good at the game!”

The Doc let out some fumes at the bad timing when he saw Castro configuring his Ultimate team instead of putting the team on the pitch.

Dr DisRespect let the mood settle as he satirically reminded himself that the two streamers actually share a couple sponsors, and let the moment pass.

This is yet another example of The Doc sticking right with his persona and never holding anything back when it comes to any subject.