Guitar Hero player shreds Colleen Ballinger’s apology video

Cassidy Stephenson
Colleen Ballinger apology gets Guitar Hero song

A Guitar Hero player made no mistakes while performing the apology video that Colleen Ballinger (better known as Miranda Sings) uploaded on her channel.

On June 28, Ballinger uploaded a video responding to the grooming allegations she has faced over the past few weeks. The accusations first appeared in 2020, but recently surfaced again after former fan Adam McIntyre revealed text conversations between him and Ballinger.

In a series of YouTube videos, McIntyre discussed how Ballinger allegedly manipulated her fans into performing free labor. She would also ask her viewers about their appearances and other various inappropriate questions.

Following Ballinger’s apology video, many people were furious about how she handled the situation with a strange ukulele song. Moreover, one creator took the cringy track to Guitar Hero and managed to get a perfect score.

Guitar Hero player gets perfect score on Colleen’s apology song

Alec ‘Acai’ Castillo – a Guitar Hero YouTuber with 1 million subscribers – uploaded a video of him rocking to Ballinger’s apology video. YouTuber Jimmehzz used Clone Hero – a Guitar Hero freeware game – to recreate her song, “Toxic Gossip Train.”

“This was hard to make, because Colleen cannot keep time and it made making the chart hard,” the video’s description read.

In the comment section, viewers revealed this was much better than Ballinger’s original video. “This is the only thing that could bring me to actually watch the full apology LMAO,” one YouTube user wrote.

“Had I been gifted a voice like that, I would have simply made money off of it without being a weirdo to kids,” another person added.

“I haven’t heard the whole apology until this video, but wow, that’s genuinely a terrible response. I didn’t hear a single ‘sorry’ for the entire video,” one person remarked.

To learn more about the controversy surrounding Ballinger’s past actions, check out our article explaining the unfortunate situation.