JiDion brutally fires back at Jake Paul after he calls him a “fanboy”

Shay Robson
Jake Paul wearing white t-shirt next to JiDion wearing black hoodie

JiDion has fired shots back at Jake Paul after he mocked and called the YouTube prankster a “fanboy” of his brother Logan.

Recording a video, Jake Paul pretended to interview his older brother Logan, who kindly asked him to move to the left a little.

Instantly, Jake hit back, firing shots at fellow YouTuber JiDion — referencing Logan’s recent encounter with prankster at UFC 287, where he asked him to switch seats so he could avoid being on camera.

“I’m not f**king JiDion b*tch,” said Jake. “Do I look like f**king JiDion? I’m your own f**king brother, I’m not a fanboy like JiDion who’s like ‘oh yes Logan, oh yes’.

“I’m your own f**king brother bro, we can go toe to f**king toe.”

Reacting to the video on stream, JiDion snapped back at Jake — putting the YouTuber-turned-boxer on blast for not having the same energy when his brother allegedly had sex with his girlfriend.

“Oh, okay Jake, you can go toe-to-toe with your brother, alright? So Jake, why didn’t you keep the same energy when he f**ked your girlfriend while you were still dating her?” he said.

“I’m puzzled, I’m dumbfounded, I’m searching for the answers, I wish I could go back in history to ask all the old historians about this question.”

JiDion continued: “Why didn’t you do anything about it when Logan f**ked your girlfriend? You did nothing about it! You cried to Shane Dawson. But when it’s about Alissa we’re not going toe-to-toe you know?”

The prankster then began mocking Jake in the same way ‘The Problem Child’ did to him: “Oh, Logan, Logan you can have my girl Logan it’s okay, your sh*ts bigger than mine Logan, you’re big bro, you’re the alpha, you’re the omega Logan.”

While there’s no animosity between JiDion and Logan, it’s clear that there’s going to be some bad blood with the younger Paul brother.