JiDion on verge of YouTube channel being deleted after strike for watching gambling video

Calum Patterson

Popular YouTube streamer JiDion has pleaded with the platform to release a strike from his channel, after it put him only one more strike away from having all of his content removed.

JiDion claims the most recent strike is unjustified because despite showing gambling content, he was watching a video that was critical of gambling, and did not support or advocate gambling to his audience.

On August 15, JiDion showed his strike notification, which confirmed it was for “promoting gambling.”

“I’ve never gambled in my life and the video I reacted to was a hit piece on why you shouldn’t gamble. Now my channel is one strike from almost getting deleted currently freaking out.”


JiDion quickly appealed the strike, but judging by a follow-up email, his first attempt to have it removed was unsuccessful.

“Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our sale of regulated goods policy,” YouTube confirmed.

“Please @TeamYouTube,” JiDion tweeted, “not once in this stream did I say gamble I’ve always been against it and the video I was watching was against gambling.

“I’ve never whined on Twitter but this is just crazy 1 more strike and all my channels are gone.”


In a boost to his hopes, YouTube responded to his most recent tweet to confirm that they were “looking into this” – despite rejecting the first appeal in only a matter of minutes.

For now, JiDion will simply have to wait for YouTube’s final decision. If the strike is upheld, he will be on very shaky ground, with one more strike potentially resulting in his channel being taken down completely.

To make matters worse, his TikTok account was also deleted on August 15.

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About The Author

Calum is Dexerto's Managing Editor, based in Scotland. Joining Dexerto in 2017, Calum has years of experience covering esports, gaming and online entertainment, and now leads the team to deliver the best coverage in these areas. An expert on all things Twitch and gaming influencers, he's also an expert in popular shooters like Apex Legends, CS2 and Call of Duty. You can contact Calum at calum.patterson@dexerto.com.