JoJo Siwa reveals “amazing” girlfriend who inspired her coming out announcement

Virginia Glaze
JoJo Siwa opens up about relationship status

YouTube star and pop singer JoJo Siwa has unveiled her relationship status in wake of her coming out announcement in January — while also admitting she “could have lost everything” because of it.

It’s no overstatement to say that JoJo Siwa is a massive icon among young internet users. Best known for her positive pop songs, colorful clothing and rainbow-studded bows, Siwa represents everything bright and happy in a world currently beset with health anxieties.

Boasting over 12 million subscribers on YouTube and 31 million followers on TikTok, Siwa has even scored her very own line of slime and hair bows, breaking out into the mainstream in a huge way.

However, Siwa made international headlines for a different reason in late January, after officially coming out by posting a photo of herself wearing a shirt she’d been gifted from her cousin. The shirt boasted large lettering that read: “Best. Gay. Cousin. Ever.”

A few weeks later, Siwa appeared on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, revealing that her collaboration with the Pride House had actually inspired her to make the announcement.

It wasn’t the Pride House, alone, though; Siwa admitted that her girlfriend had also encouraged her to make the big reveal, who she happened to be FaceTiming in the middle of her internet-breaking announcement.

“It is true — I have the most amazing, wonderful, perfect, most beautiful girlfriend in the whole world,” a beaming Siwa said. “That’s not something I’m ashamed of.”

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“We’re long distance,” she continued. “And I was like, ‘Alright, I did it! Back to FaceTiming with her.’ And then, two days later, I was on the phone with her — we’re on the phone literally 24/7, both of our families get so annoyed at us, but it’s okay, it doesn’t matter!”

Despite the massive amounts of praise she’s received since coming out, Siwa was well-aware of the risk she took in doing so, considering the amount of people following her online — but to Siwa, being true to herself is more important than the social media empire she’s built, if she can’t live authentically.

“I was like, you know what I realized? How risky that was,” she added. “And she was like, ‘What do you mean?’ Technically, that was a really big risk that I took, posting that. …but if I lost everything that I’ve created because of being myself and loving who I love, I don’t want it.”