Jonah Hill’s lawyer claims “complete fabrication” in light of new “predatory” accusations

Meera Jacka
Jonah Hill’s lawyer claims complete fabrication in light of new predatory accusations

Alexa Nikolas has spoken up against Jonah Hill and his allegedly “predatory behavior”, but Hill’s lawyer claims the events she described “never happened”.

Following Jonah Hill’s ex-girlfriend Sarah Brady accusing the actor of being “emotionally abusive” and a “misogynist narcissist”, further allegations have since arisen.

Alexa Nikolas, former child star of Zoey 101, recounted an alleged incident on Twitter stating that Hill “slammed me to the door and shoved his tongue down my throat” when she was 16.

Now, Hill’s lawyer, Marty Singer, has spoken up, claiming Nikolas’ accusations are a “complete fabrication”.

On July 12, Nikolas claimed she was invited to a party at Justin Long’s house when she was a minor. Once there, Hill apparently took an interest in her, swooping in when she asked for a cigarette.

Nikolas alleges that the assault took place after the two went outside to his car, with Nikolas stating “I was so appalled I pushed him off of me and ran inside.”

But Singer, who previously represented Bill Cosby, called the former child actor a “demonstrably unreliable” source following an inquiry by Deadline.

Singer also called Nikolas “a serial accuser who has made assorted accusations against multiple men in the entertainment industry.”

Nikolas has since clapped back on Twitter, defending her accusations against the actor.

“Yes. I’m a [multiple-time] survivor and I’m sadly not the only one,” she said. “Sexist individuals will not scare me nor shame me out of not only confronting my traumas but also sharing them in the hopes to put an end to this painful cycle throughout time.”

We’ll be sure to keep you updated as the story progressed. For all the latest entertainment news, be sure to check out our page here.