LoL streamer TFBlade banned on Twitch after “unfortunate” event

Calum Patterson

Popular Twitch streamer Ashkan ‘TF Blade’ Homayouni has been banned from the platform on September 12, his second suspension of 2019.

TFBlade’s first ban in April caused significant controversy, after it became apparent that he had been misheard saying a racial slur, when in fact he had called his teammates “idiots”.

His ban was originally 30 days, as is standard for ‘hate speech’ violations, but was later reduced to a week. However, TFBlade appears to have breached the Community Guidelines again. Confirming the ban, Blade said he would “be back soon”, and that an “unfortunate set of events happened.”

Early on September 12, TFBlade’s channel was removed from the platform. At the time of writing, the exact cause for the ban is unknown.

The Team Liquid member is an outspoken streamer, who recently hit out at League of Legends developers Riot Games after they banned his account for 14 days “with no warning”.

The cause of this 14-day account suspension was for apparently being toxic to his teammates, who he believed were throwing a match.

TFBlade is a member of Team Liquid, best known for League of Legends.

“Look! 14 days no warnings, only two games, not three. Are you f*cking r*******?” Blade asked angrily, “You want me to not be toxic when they are running it down in my games. What are you doing about it, I reported them, I sent tickets, you didn’t do sh*t.”

After checking chat logs, Blade had apparently been banned from LoL for allegedly insulting fellow players as well as the Turkish region as a whole, although he defended himself, arguing “everybody does that, they don’t get banned”.

YouTube: Team LiquidTFBlade just got done serving a 14-day suspension from League of Legends.

It’s not immediately clear if this incident is related to his Twitch ban on September 12, although it is a possibility. Given that it is almost ten days after this, though, it’s also possible that a more recent on-stream incident has caused this fresh suspension.

He is one of the most popular LoL streamers, rising to fame after dominating the North American LoL in-game rankings, later attempting to reaching the highest rank on all of the servers in the game.

We will update this story as more information becomes available about the ban. Dexerto have reached out to TFBlade for comment.

UPDATE: TFBlade has since posted a Tweet revealing the reason for his Twitch ban, where he confirmed that his suspension was due to “toxic” language.

“I got banned on Twitch because I legitimately had no idea that calling people or the region in the game ‘dog’ and ‘unintelligent’ out of just frustration, with no intentions of hurting anyone really, is something you can get banned for,” he wrote.

The streamer went on to apologize to the players he’d “hurt” and claimed that he will “give it my very best to make sure this will not happen again” – although the jury is still out regarding the length of his suspension.