Man who hit Bebe Rexha in the head with phone tries to get plea deal

Meera Jacka
Man who hit Bebe Rexha in the head with phone tries to get plea deal

Bebe Rexha was left with a black eye after a fan threw his phone at her. Now the culprit is looking to strike a plea deal and have all criminal charges dropped.

Bebe Rexha had to be rushed off stage to receive medical attention while performing during her nationwide Best F’n Night Of My Life tour across North America. The cause? A tossed mobile phone that left the singer needing stitches.

27-year-old Nicholas Malvagna was the man behind the phone and has since been charged with assault and aggravated harassment.

Now his lawyer, Todd Spodek, has hinted at a plea deal that will see all criminal charges dropped.

Malvagna made an appearance in court with his parents shielding him from reporters. He has remained adamant that he threw the phone in hopes of getting Rexha to take a photo, claiming a TikTok trend served as inspiration.

“I thought she was looking in my direction. I was about two rows back, but instead of my phone landing right next to her, my phone hit her in the face,” Malvagna allegedly told arresting officers. “It’s a TikTok trend where you throw your phone onto the stage, and a celebrity passes it and takes a selfie.”

Nicholas Malvagna arrested for throwing his phone at Bebe Rexha
Nicholas Malvagna has denied he intended to hurt Bebe Rexha.

At the time of Malvagna’s arrest, Spodek released a statement that reiterated the incident as an unfortunate accident, “As a fan, Mr. Malvagna’s sole intention was to have Ms. Rexha take photos with his phone and return it as a keepsake. It was never his intention to injure Ms. Rehxa.”

“At this point, we have not received any evidence to support the charges and are considering all relevant motions,” Spodek told The New York Post after a brief hearing. “I anticipate a resolution short of trial, with all of the criminal charges being ultimately dropped.”

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