Marc D’Amelio hits back at accusations that family is “abusing” Charli

Brad Norton
The D'Amelio family

In yet another series of allegations against the D’Amelio family, various TikTok users accused Charli’s parents of physical abuse, yet Marc quickly responded to shut down these claims.

As one of the most popular families on the internet, the D’Amelio household is always under the spotlight. Everything the social media stars post online is scrutinized by tens of millions of fans from around the globe.

Naturally, controversy is bound to boil over from time to time. Following allegations from November, TikTok users have once again called out the D’Amelio family for abuse. While these original claims were shut down by Dixie, the latest accusations fixate on Charli.

“Look that’s Heidi’s hand,” a user shared while inspecting a February 2 upload on Marc’s account. In the background of his video, a feint movement can be seen in the background. This could essentially be anything, though fans quickly latched onto a theory that it was Heidi abusing her daughter.

“She is hitting Charli,” the TikTok user said. “Guys we need to save her, this is not a joke,” they added along with the hashtag ‘#SaveCharli.’

This allegation could have been easily ignored by the family, though Marc decided to shut it down once and for all. “Wrongfully accusing parents of abuse is serious,” he replied shortly after.

“You’re wasting time and resources that could be spent helping true victims of abuse.” Despite this clear-cut denial, hundreds of replies still swing in all directions as to what the truth actually is.

Without any additional evidence, there’s nothing to support these latest claims beyond a single video that zooms into the background of Marc’s TikTok. From a dog’s tail to a random shadow, it genuinely could be anything. Though Marc assured it had absolutely nothing to do with any form of abuse.

Both parents cop plenty of flak online from time to time with their daughters often having to step in. Dixie made it clear in November that her parents “do not” treat her poorly, despite community speculation.

For fans to be concerned is one thing, but it’s clear Marc wishes for baseless accusations to stop flooding their social media accounts.