Mom brawls with teenager who threatened to fight her daughter in viral video

Molly Byrne
mom and teenager brawl

A teenage girl got into an intense physical altercation with the mom of the girl she initially intended to fight in a viral video.

A teenage girl was waiting in the lobby of an apartment building to fight another teenage girl. However, the girl’s mom showed up and things took a turn for the worse.

As the teenager was approached by the mom, she got up off the floor to set her phone up to record their fight.

As the fight intensified, it took multiple bystanders to put an end to it.

Mom slams sign on the head of teenage girl during brawl 

Though the teenage girl never intended to fight the mom of the girl she wanted to fight, their physical altercation turned into a minute-long brawl.

As the girl was FaceTiming, the mom walked up to her to ask her to leave her daughter alone. The teenager then responded, “Do I have to fight you too?”

That’s when the teenager got off the floor and set her phone up to make sure those she was FaceTiming could see what was going on.

The mom and teenager then proceeded to shove each other, landing on the floor after both thrashed into the wall. The two also exchanged words as they pushed each other around until three bystanders pulled them apart from one another. 

The fight ended when they were pulled off of each other, but not until the mom slammed a yellow “floor is wet” sign on the top of the teenager’s head while calling her “little girl.”

Viewers of the viral moment have commented, calling the teenager “trash,” while others were shocked at the audacity of the girl.

Though the fight was in plain sight, authorities were not present. 

To read a story where a man was thrown into the ocean in another viral brawl, check our page out here