MrBeast reveals one YouTube feature he “hates with a passion”

Brad Norton
MrBeast on Lex Fridman podcast

Although YouTube sensation MrBeast is mostly “happy” with the state of the video-sharing platform today, he hopes to see one particular weakness fixed soon as he absolutely “hates” the comments section in its current form.

When MrBeast uploads any new content across his broad range of YouTube channels, thousands of viewers immediately flood the comments section. Regardless of whether it’s a gaming video, something the team has reacted to, or one of his innovative main-channel ideas, he claims comments across the board are all similarly poor.

It’s for this reason, as the fourth-most subscribed star on the platform, that MrBeast simply “hates the comment section with a passion. It’s just so bad,” he said in conversation with Lex Fridman.

While admitting a revamped comment system won’t lead to drastic growth on YouTube, he claimed it’s the one main feature he’d like to see overhauled above all else. Comparing it to the experience on Reddit, he argued the average thread over there leads to a far more productive discussion.

“Reddit is so nice to click on posts and see what people have to say. I almost wish you had that same feeling when you read the comments on a YouTube video. Instead, it’s so many people copy and pasting, so many bots grab the top comment from your previous video and paste it over, so the top comments on every video are the same.”

When it comes to genuine comments from actual fans wanting to engage in a meaningful way, those posts are few and far between, he argued. Rather, it’s the aforementioned spam that dominates most of his videos, with only ‘scams’ rising to the surface.

MrBeast discusses YouTube’s comment section at the 13:08 mark below.

“The only things that breakthrough are just scammers trying to get you to give them $1,000, or a fake ad,” he explained.

It’s seemingly so bad on YouTube today that MrBeast often doesn’t bother wading through the comments on his videos. Instead, he’d rather spend time looking at reactions across other social media platforms as the comments are typically more helpful.

“I usually go to Twitter when I upload a video,” MrBeast continued. “Reddit and Twitter just give me better filtered feedback, especially now with Twitter Blue. I live for the day that YouTube’s like that.”