NICKMERCS responds to backlash over FaZe Clan reboot

Josh Taylor
FaZe Clan

NICKMERCS has finally addressed FaZe Clan’s reboot which was hit with backlash after many long-time members, including his friends, were instantly kicked from the organization.

The top content creator was one of only fourteen FaZe members left standing following FaZe Clan’s reboot on April 27. The shock announcement from FaZe Banks revealed that the organization had kicked most of its creators from the roster, including long-term members of Rain, Blaze and Cizzorz.

Ever since, the organization has faced waves of backlash from it’s former members and the wider gaming community, with many waiting on NICKMERCS to respond. The Warzone streamer has finally returned after a short break and addressed the situation during his Twitch stream on April 29.

NICKMERCS began: “I don’t know what’s going on, I’m not in the room that makes decisions, my phone doesn’t get hit up,” and added: “I don’t want the drama, I don’t want the bulls**t.”

Despite partially owning the group, he claimed: “I found out the way y’all did. I mean we knew through the grapevine that there was plans being cooked up, but we never knew what it was going to be or who it was going to be. I mean I didn’t even know if I was going to be kept around.”

“I think that the general census is they just want a fresh start, a clean start, they want to tighten it up and then expand it how they want, which I can understand,” he stated.

Timestamp 23:50

However, the streamer admitted that FaZe member Nate Hill, as well as long-time friend and Warzone teammate Nio, hurt him the most from those that were kicked.

“Nate Hill is a worker and he works his damn ass off and he’s done a lot of things for FaZe. But I guess, look, at the end of the day it’s up to those boys it’s not up to me,” NICKMERCS said.

In regards to Nio, Nick stated that he “didn’t know if he was going to be on or off, but I found out like you guys did too.” Even though he thought he “benefited greatly” from being on the team, he also said that he “doesn’t need to be on this organization to be successful, I think he’ll be fine.”

Overall, NICKMERCS said about how the FaZe reboot was handled: “It wasn’t great, it wasn’t horrible, no way to make everybody happy. I’m thankful and excited you know to be around.”

“I’m sad that a few of these people who had to find out the way that they did, but at the same time, look I have a special place in my heart for Banks and those guys man. I feel the pain they went through.”