Rajj Patel rage quits his popular dating stream show due to chat feedback

Matt Porter

Rajj Patel, who hosts a popular dating show on his Twitch channel, shut down his livestream in a fit of rage last night due to comments made by viewers in his chat.

Patel hosts Twitch Tinder, where four female streamers are invited to appear on the show, and then pick their favourite from a selection of suitors vying for their attention.

The show has grown in popularity in the past few months, but it seems that Patel’s Twitch chat may be growing tired of the current format.

Patel’s viewers were clearly unhappy with the creators featured on the November 4 show, repeatedly spamming “Same old people” and “Seen this episode,” suggesting that they were bored of seeing people like Savana Hume constantly featured on the show.

With the show in full swing, and contestants chatting, Patel’s voice could be heard booming over them, simply saying: “Guys, guys. The show’s over. I’m sorry. Have a wonderful day everybody, goodbye.”

With his farewell made, Patel immediately turned off the stream, clearly upset with the reaction that his latest installment of the show had garnered.

Patel’s Twitch Tinder show regularly features popular streamers, with Call of Duty pro players Tommy “ZooMaa” Paparatto and Matthew “Skrapz” Marshall both appearing as guests on the show back in August.

While Patel may have been annoyed by the reception from his Twitch chat to the November 4 edition of the show, it seems it hasn’t stopped him from bringing the show back, as FaZe Clan member Bardia ‘Mito’ Mazkouri has announced he will be taking part on the next episode.