Shroud fans worried after stream ends similar to Dr Disrespect’s final Twitch broadcast

Michael Gwilliam
Dr Disrespect and shroud on twitch

Legendary streamer Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek ended his April 15 broadcast in a way that’s reminding viewers of Dr Disrespect’s final Twitch stream – and fans are pretty concerned about it.

Ever since Dr Disrespect’s infamous Twitch ban back on June 26, 2020, fans everywhere have been wondering why the two-time was removed from the platform.

Unfortunately, there haven’t been any answers from Twitch, despite countless calls for more transparency on the Amazon-owned site. All they have to go off are Doc’s claims that he doesn’t even know why he was banned and his weird demeanor in his last-ever broadcast before he switched to YouTube.

Now, shroud’s viewers are a bit worried as the Polish-Canadian’s latest stream ended in a similarly concerning manner, with the streamer gazing at the camera with milky eyes.

“I am tired,” the former CSGO pro proclaimed at the end of an 11 hour broadcast. “I feel drunk. I feel…”

After this comment, Grzesiek just went quiet and didn’t elaborate on his feeling. Instead, he just nonchalantly knocked a bottle off his desk and put his arms behind his head before staring at the camera without saying another word.

“You okay, Mike?” a concerned viewer asked in chat. “Is he okay?” another wondered.

Eventually, he seemed to snap out of his trance, adjusted his glasses and ended the stream in one of the strangest finales to a shroud broadcast yet.

The ending of shroud’s stream found its way onto Reddit, where fans noted the similarities between this Twitch broadcast and Dr Disrespect’s.

Of course, Dr Disrespect’s final ever Twitch stream is still shrouded in mystery. It ends with the two-time being at a loss for words – something extremely uncharacteristic for Doc.

The soft-spoken streamer went on to thank everyone for watching, told them that “we’d get through this” and that “life is weird right now.”

Notably, his last-ever word said on Twitch was “f**k” before getting up and leaving seemingly out of nowhere.

While it’s unlikely that shroud is about to be banned on the platform, the ending to his broadcast brought back some memories of Doc’s final stream. Hopefully, he’s okay and the end to the stream was just some joke poking fun at his friend.