Streamer catches heated scuffle between taxi driver and cyclist

Filip Krawanski
Streamer catches heated scuffle between taxi driver and cyclist

Streamer Altis_play went viral after capturing footage of a fight nearly breaking out between a Paris taxi driver and a cyclist.

A clip from a French cycling-oriented Twitch channel attracted international attention, it featured a violent confrontation between a Paris taxi driver and a cyclist.

During their June 11 live stream, Altis_play captured a minor collision between a taxi and a cyclist. As the biker was stopping before a crosswalk, the taxi driving behind him had little time to react and bumped his bike due to how close they were to one another.

After the cyclist and the driver exchanged a couple of words they continued to drive down the same road, pulling ahead of the streamer, before they both came to an abrupt stop and got into an argument.

The taxi driver got out of the vehicle and the men started shouting at one another, and while it looked like they were ready to exchange blows bystanders stepped in to separate them.

Taxi driver and cyclist get into a fight in the middle of the street

Amazingly enough, one of the people spotted stopping the fight was Sandrine Rousseau, a politician who represents the 9th constituency of Paris in the National Assembly since 2022.

Thankfully Sandrine, the streamer recording, and other bystanders were able to successfully break up the fight before anyone was injured.

Since the clip went viral Altis took to his Twitter to somewhat explain the situation. Altis said in his Tweet that the taxi driver grabbed the cyclist while driving and that’s why they eventually got into the fight in the street.

Given that the incident involved a car and a bicycle it’s good to know that no one was seriously injured. For more viral videos and stories related to entertainment, be sure to check out our coverage on Dexerto.