TikTok dark mode: How to turn on dark mode on TikTok

Georgina Smith
TikTok logo on dark background

Users new to TikTok may be wondering whether there’s a dark mode feature, just like on other social media apps. Here’s everything you need to know about using dark mode on TikTok.

For years, dark mode has been a key staple of any social media app or website. While some don’t mind light mode, others find that the bright whites of the screen can be uncomfortable when browsing for extended periods of time.

Sites like Twitch, YouTube, and X/formerly Twitter have all implemented this feature, and those who are new to TikTok may be wondering if the app has the same.

With the platform’s intelligent algorithm and the increasing number of features, plenty of people are finding that they’re spending way more time on the app than they intended.

The standard bright white screen that features on the explore page, people’s profiles, messages, and more could prove to be slightly bothersome for some. Here’s everything you need to know about how to change to dark mode on TikTok.

TikTok app logo on a phone

Does TikTok have dark mode?

Yes, TikTik does have a dark mode. There’s an easy way to fix the inconveniences that come with light mode, with TikTok’s dark mode feature. Switching on the feature is also an incredibly easy process.

However, it is worth noting that not all phones are capable of supporting dark mode, so if the option isn’t available for you, you may have to wait until it is rolled out in future updates.

  1. Launch TikTok.
  2. Tap on the ‘Profile’ tab at the bottom right corner.
  3. Click the three lines in the top right corner of your profile page.
  4. Click ‘Settings and privacy,’ and then scroll down to the ‘Content & Activity’ section.
  5. Tap the Dark Mode tab.
  6. Select ‘Dark.’

You’re also able to ask the app to adjust the settings to the Display and Brightness settings of your phone, making it easier if you tend to switch things back and forth across all your apps frequently.

If you want to learn more about how to use TikTok, you can check out our other guides here:

How to duet on TikTok | How to Stitch on TikTok | How to go live on TikTok | How to find contacts on TikTok | How to use TikTok Stories | Best time to post on TikTok for more views and likes