Troopz shuts down fans calling him “abusive” and calls rage at wife just “banter”

Jeremy Gan

Troopz has shut down fans calling him “abusive” after a clip of him raging at his wife when Arsenal conceded a goal, calling it “football banter”. 

Sports can be an emotional affair, especially if your team is conceding goals. And one such display of emotions was during a livestream when Troopz was seen berating his wife after Arsenal conceded their first goal. 

During one of Troopz’s regular watch alongs of Arsenal’s match against Manchester united, Troopz and his co-host can be seen disappointed when Arsenal conceded the first goal at the sixth minute. 

Troopz would go on to direct his anger at his wife, telling her to leave the room. “This f***ing woman walks in and then they f***ing score” he can be heard saying. “I’m being deadly serious, leave the room” he said repeatedly. 

Troopz defends himself amid fans calling him out for “abusive” behavior

The clip gained a lot of traction online, with many calling it “abusive” and disturbing that Troopz would react to a conceded goal in that manner. 

However, Troopz would go on to defend himself in a twitter post, saying it was just “banter” between him and his wife.

“18 years we’ve been together, you get me, you lot dont know that life” he said of his marriage with his wife. “And, she’s a Tottenham fan, who now is a Man City fan, who came in trolling me” Troopz  said of her. 

Arsenal and Tottenham have had a historical rivalry between each other, and Man City has always been a club Arsenal has struggled against in the Season. 

“Football banter, you get me, that’s what it is. But domestic violence and trigger warnings, nah mate go look over somewhere else” he said. Arsenal lost the game against Man City 1-4.

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