Twitch streamer confronts DoorDash driver after console war trash talk

Michael Gwilliam
DoorDash driver trashtalks Xbox

Console wars are nothing new to video game enthusiasts. From schoolyard debates to forum threads 500 pages deep, console loyalists have fought tooth and nail since the dawn of time. Now, the battleground has shifted with even DoorDash drivers getting in on the action against customers.

During a Twitch broadcast, streamer Jameskii was playing Minecraft while waiting for DoorDash to deliver his order. Suddenly, he received a text message on his phone.

“Hold on, is my drink here?” he wondered as he grabbed his mobile device. “Oh my God! Oh my God!”

As the streamer stared down at his phone, he could hardly contain his disbelief at the message he received from the driver.

“My food delivery guy just messaged me ‘Xbox is trash as f**k,” he laughed. “I’m not kidding. My f**king DoorDash just messaged me. It says, ‘Hello, DoorDash has arrived with your order’ and the next message is ‘Xbox is trash as f**k.’”

As it turns out, the driver actually tried to call the streamer, but when Jameskii didn’t pick up, he felt the need to trash talk Xbox.

Despite all this confusion and the out of context attack on Microsoft’s console, Jameskii wondered if he should call the driver back.

“Say yeah, PlayStation is better, woo!” his friend suggested as the streamer began to redial the number.

Eventually, someone on the other end picked up. “Alright, what did you say about Xbox?” Jameskii asked point-blank.

After a few moments of silence, the driver doubled down on his earlier comment and shouted, “F**k Xbox!”

The remark had the streamer in stitches and made him burst out laughing at the absurdity of the whole situation.

While console wars have a long history dating beyond even the 90s when Nintendo and Sega duked it out, it’s unlikely that the phenomenon ever reached a point where delivery drivers partake. It just goes to show that we’re living in a strange timeline.