Twitch streamer panics after nearly losing thousands of dollars at Pax West

Dylan Horetski
DSKoopa YouTube

Game store owner turned Twitch streamer DSKoopa was panicking while at Pax West after he nearly lost his bag that was full of thousands of dollars in cash.

Cody ‘DSKoopa’ Spencer owns and operates his retro game store, Pink Gorilla, while also live-streaming his daily life as a business owner.

He’s had his fair share of viral moments on stream as well, having recently found naughty pictures on a customer’s DS and even detailing that his store was broken into back in 2020.

During a recent stream during Pax West 2022, DSKoopa panicked after nearly losing his bag that was full of thousands of dollars in cash.

DSKoopa panics at Pax West 2022

During his September 4 stream, DSKoopa and friends were playing arcade games at a local establishment when Cody realized his bag was missing.

After he walked up to the employee counter, he asked if someone had turned in a black backpack. Luckily someone had turned it in, and it was given back to the owner.

“How much money did you almost lose?” Koopa’s friend asked.

“Thousands. I need to go home now. I’m clearly not thinking straight, I am too tired,” he revealed.

Just a few minutes later, DSKoopa ended the stream, explaining that he was too tired to continue.

Pax began in 2004 with their first convention happening in Bellvue, Washington, but since then has branched off into events throughout the US and Australia.

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