What does GMS mean on Snapchat?

Kawter Abed
Snapchat logo next to person holding phone

If you’ve seen the term ‘GMS’ used on Snapchat, in either direct messages, or someone else’s story, here’s everything you need to know about what it means.

Snapchat has consistently ranked among the most popular social media apps out there, as it allows users to easily connect with their friends through disappearing messages, images, videos, and more.

As with many other social media platforms, Snapchat is full of different slang terms and acronyms that people use in order to communicate more efficiently.

You might have seen ‘GMS’ used by friends or contacts on the app, whether that’s in the caption of the story, or in a message sent directly to you. If you’re out of the loop, here’s everything to know about what this term means, and when it is used.

Yellow Snapchat logo

GMS meaning on Snapchat

On Snapchat, GMS stands for ‘Good Morning Streaks,’ and it’s a popular term often used to maintain a Streak with another user on the app.

A Snapchat Streak is maintained when two users exchange snaps for consecutive days. The “Good Morning Streaks” message is commonly sent in the morning as a way to not only say good morning but also to maintain the streak for another day.

The term usually appears in a snap that is sent out to multiple people, typically friends with whom the user has an ongoing streak. The snap might consist of a simple text saying “GMS” or could be an image with the text overlay.

For example, a user might take a snap of their morning coffee, overlay it with the text “GMS,” and then send it to their streak friends. This serves a dual purpose: it allows the sender to greet their friends in the morning and also maintains the all-important Snapchat Streak.

If there are any other terms and phrases you don’t know the meaning of, you can check out our guide here to learn all about Snapchat’s most popular slang.