What does HAGD mean on Snapchat?

Kawter Abed
Snapchat logo next to someone using their phone

You may have come across the term HAGD on Snapchat, and other social media apps like TikTok and Instagram, but what exactly does this mean? Here’s everything to know.

Multimedia messaging platform Snapchat is known for its various interactive and fun features, including its iconic disappearing snaps, videos, and messages.

Over the years, it has developed its own unique vocabulary that enables users to communicate quickly and efficiently. Understanding these acronyms and abbreviations not only helps in enhancing interaction on the app, but also keeps users in the loop with the latest internet trends.

One acronym that is frequently encountered on Snapchat, whether that’s in direct messages or stories, is HAGD. Here’s everything to know about what this term means and when it’s used.

Snapchat app on a smart phone

HAGD meaning on Snapchat

On social media platforms like Snapchat, HAGD usually stands for ‘Have A Good Day.’ It is often used at the end of a conversation as a parting wish, similar to saying goodbye or farewell.

The acronym serves as a casual yet thoughtful way to conclude a chat, as it indicates a positive and upbeat attitude towards the person receiving the message.

There are many ways and contexts in which this term can be used. For example, after a casual chat with a friend, you could end the conversation with “I gotta go now, HAGD.” Alternatively, you could post a snap to your story with the caption “HAGD!” to wish everyone a positive start to their day.

While it frequently pops up on Snapchat, the term wasn’t created on the platform, and you may see it used across a whole range of different social media apps including TikTok, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, and more.

If there are any other terms and phrases you don’t know the meaning of, you can check out our guide here to learn all about Snapchat’s most popular slang.