What does ‘slay’ mean on TikTok?

Georgina Smith
App logos on phone screen

TikTok users have made up a huge number of words and sayings of their own, including the popular term ‘slay.’ But what exactly does it mean?

TikTok is continuing to attract new users from around the world on a daily basis, with the collection of viral content on the social media app continuing to grow.

There are a number of different slang terms and phrases that have become prominent on TikTok over the years. Some words, like FYP, are unique to TikTok, but there are plenty of other words that originated elsewhere and are simply frequently used by people on the platform.

Slay is one word that you have probably seen crop up on TikTok, whether that’s by someone saying it in a video, or writing it in a comment or DM. Here’s everything to know about what it means.

‘Slay’ meaning on TikTok

When used on TikTok and other social media platforms, ‘slay’ is often used as a way of complimenting someone.

According to Dictionary.com, the term can mean “‘to do something spectacularly well,’ especially when it comes to fashion, artistic performance, or self-confidence.”

You might see creators use this in the captions of their own videos, or use it to refer to other people’s content in the comment section.

The word has also featured in a number of different viral TikTok sounds, so it’s not uncommon to hear it in the background of some videos.

If there are any other slang terms or phrases that are confusing you on TikTok, you can check out our guide here to learn all about the most popular terms and acronyms on the app.