What happened to Gabbie Hanna? Social media star starts new job after worrying videos

Alice Sjöberg
Gabbie Hanna poses in an Instagram picture

Fans were concerned about social media star Gabbie Hanna as she was inactive on all of her accounts for a year. She has now reappeared and is working as a fitness instructor.

Gabbie Hanna, 33, is an influencer who garnered popularity on the now-defunct video app Vine, and went on to develop a following on both YouTube and TikTok, as well as launch a music career. With millions of followers across multiple platforms, she has been a known influencer for over a decade.

In August 2022, Gabbie worried fans after posting over a hundred TikTok videos in one day, in which she discussed a variety of topics, including religion and death. She was also criticized for comments many described as racist.

Even though Gabbie made a comment a few days after the incident, addressing the concerns by saying she had gone through a manic episode due to her being bipolar, fans can’t help to continue to worry about her current absence.

During her time on social media, Gabbie has been involved in a number of controversies, including a feud with Angelika Oles. But when this happens, she usually stays away from the internet for a few days before coming back online after things calm down.

However, in 2023, something changed. Gabbie didn’t post anything on her social media pages for a year, and no one seemed to have heard from her until recently. So what happened?

What happened to Gabbie Hanna?

Gabbie Hanna takes picture

Between January 30 and February 28, Gabbie wasn’t active on any of her social media platforms. However, she was spotted for the first time in 9 months, when she appeared on the Instagram of the local YMCA in Hanna’s hometown of New Castle, Pennsylvania in December 2023.

The post was made to announce that Gabbie had been hired as their “newest instructor”.

“Hey everyone! Get ready to dance, move, and groove because Gabbie Hanna’s classes are about to kick off TONIGHT!,” the statement said along with a graphic listing Zumba, Ballet Body, and Stretch and Breath as some of Gabbie’s classes.

Gabbie also appeared in another post on the YMCA’s Instagram, where she promoted one of her classes. Fans were quick to comment on the post, saying that Gabbie “looked great” and “has the light in her eyes again.”

Gabbie Hanna shares her views on social media

In July 2023, Gabbie appeared on Prince Ea’s podcast Sauna Sessions where she talked about her views on social media and why she hasn’t been as active on her pages.

She revealed that she has deleted the apps from her phone, which could explain the lack of content these past few months.

Gabbie then went on to shock fans by talking about how she’s contemplating completely deleting her platforms.

She said: “I’m trying to work up the strength to actually delete. But I can’t figure out if that’s what I’m supposed to do or not. Specifically TikTok. Because I feel like TikTok is just like the cesspool the worst of the worst.”

After talking about what she didn’t like about TikTok, which included users “consuming trash,” Prince Ea went on to ask her about what she’d want the ideal social media platform to look like.

“I don’t think any of us were meant to be on a platform in that way,” she said. “I don’t think any of us was meant to be, like, ‘famous’. I don’t think any of us was meant to have followers. I don’t think any of us was meant to idolize ourselves in that way. Because not only are we idolizing ourselves, but we’re making ourselves false idols.”

She went on to say that she’d much rather choose privacy than social media. She also revealed that she’d come to a realization recently in her life, where all the social media fame and attention isn’t really in her favor, as it’s not what she really wants.

Gabbie Hanna returns to social media

On February 29, Gabbie made her return to social media, as she released a music video titled ‘Where Did I Go?’ on her YouTube channel.

Alongside the video, she shared several posts on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. This was followed by a series of vlogs in which she delved into her hiatus, revealing her decision to quit smoking weed and her journey of recovery from social media addiction.

Gabbie’s also back to posting weekly content on YouTube, and her comment sections are now flooded with fans welcoming her return, expressing how much they’d missed her, and lauding her new music.