Woman punches man in fit of road rage as traffic incident gets physical

Michael Gwilliam
man and woman fight in road rage traffic

A road rage fit is going viral after a woman started hitting a man multiple times in the middle of traffic.

Road rage incidents are an all-too-common occurrence, especially given the potential dangers of being involved in a car crash. Bad driving can be infuriating, but a man and woman in Ontario recently took things to another level.

In a video uploaded by Toronto-based social media account 6ixBuzz, two drivers exited their vehicles to trade words and eventually even fists.

The heated exchange was filmed by a driver in another car who captured the moment the woman appeared to throw the first punch, leading to the man retaliating.

Road rage fight breaks out after woman hits man

According to 6ixBuzz, the fight took place in Bradford, Ontario. As the man and woman started trading verbal jabs, the woman took things a step further and seemingly punched her nemesis and headed back to her car to drive away.

Instead of just taking off himself, the man ran back and shoved the lady into her car, but this just made the situation worse as she started throwing multiple punches his way.

After landing a few blows, the man began trying to restrain her and the person filming had to roll down his window to call for a peaceful end to the violence.

“Don’t hit her! Don’t hit her!” he demanded. “Just leave it.”

Soon thereafter, once the combatants realized they were being filmed, they decided to get back into their vehicles and drive off, putting an end to the battle before anyone was seriously injured.

Users in the comments applauded the man for showing restraint while others joked that there was some “sexual tension” between the two.

This is hardly the first viral road rage moment to make waves recently. Back in September, a driver responded to road rage by Fortnite dancing in the middle of the street.