Woman sparks controversy after cleaning a stranger’s grave for free

Molly Byrne
woman cleans grave for free

A woman faced backlash for cleaning a stranger’s grave for free in the middle of the night.

Graveyards not only become scarier as the sun goes down, but they also get dirty over time if there is no upkeep.

That said, a woman took it upon herself to clean a stranger’s grave in the middle of the night, alone, for free.

Viewers of the viral video have since reacted by saying the woman spoke poorly about the person who died, but they respected her work at the same time.

Viewers call woman’s tone of voice “disrespectful”

The woman who cleaned a random person’s grave filmed herself doing so. After filming, she included a voiceover with plenty of commentary after her hours-long cleaning process.

What prompted her to choose the grave she chose wasn’t specified, but the woman did say that it was one of the “dirtiest” graves she had ever seen.

For starters, the woman scrubbed every inch of the large grave. She washed the dirt away with a power washer and finished by adding an abundance of red and pink flowers.

By the time the grave was cleaned, it was unrecognizable. Not to mention, the sun was up, and the woman had been there all night cleaning in the dark.

What viewers found odd about the moment, though, were the things she said about the person who belonged to the grave.

Though she said, “Everyone deserves a beautiful resting place,” the woman also bluntly asked, “What killed her?” At that point in the video, she was eating a chocolate cupcake, which was also peculiar.

After viewers watched the viral clip, they called the woman out for “exploiting the deceased.” She was also persecuted for having a “disrespectful” tone of voice.

Many others said they were “tired” of influencers, while one even posed the question, “What compelled her to say that?”

Though the grave ended up being as clean as it could get, one must wonder if the criticism was worth it in the end.