FFXIV players call for item-level sync to return as old challenges are made easy

Liam Ho
FFXIV Byregot in Aglaia

Final Fantasy XIV players are calling for item-level sync to return to older content as previously challenging fights have now become too easy with skippable mechanics.

Final Fantasy XIV has come a very long way since its humble beginnings. Originally being completely reworked from the ground up, the over 10-year-old game has made a comeback none could’ve predicted. From a Realm Reborn all the way to Endwalker, FFXIV has truly seen a transformation like none other.

Since Final Fantasy XIV sees players team or group up with others online, the game utilizes a system that drops higher-level players to the highest possible power for the content. This prevents players from coming in and immediately killing the enemies, ensuring players experience the content as if it were brand new.

There is a stronger version of this system called item-level sync, which drops players even further to ensure everyone is on a level playing field. Now players are calling for this system to return to more content, as older fights have become trivial thanks to our newfound power.

Final Fantasy XIV players call for stronger item-level sync

Final Fantasy XIV players are now calling for a stricter item-level sync, one that reduces the player’s power further. In Endwalker, players have become so strong that even when dropped to the highest power level, they’re still able to massacre enemies, skipping mechanics that are key to a fight’s identity.

One of the largest examples of this was pointed out by the players.

“Nowadays, we don’t even get to see the coolest mechanic in Thaleia’s (EDIT: I meant Agalaia) final boss, or the final speech of Hades,” they explained.

“We’re not only skipping Balance now, we’re skipping the phase where Nald’Thal skips around the arena doing AOEs or pushbacks. TWO phases skipped on the final battle in an endgame raid,” another highlighted.

The devs have introduced item-level sync to the fight The Final Day, which had issues where players were skipping the final part of the fight. This means we could potentially see more changes being added in the future, but only time will tell.