FFXIV streamer wows community by finishing dungeons using nothing but their voice

Liam Ho
FFXIV Warrior of Light

A Final Fantasy XIV streamer has wowed the community by completing two dungeons while only using their voice, never touching their keyboard or mouse.

Final Fantasy XIV can be quite a complex and challenging game. With plenty of buttons to press and pretty visual effects flying all over the place, there can be a lot going on in just a regular dungeon pull. This often means players need to memorize their control layout in order to not get caught up in the moment.

Fortunately, both the keyboard and controller scheme for the title is fantastic, making it significantly easier to pilot your character. Some players have even gone beyond the regular keyboard and controller, instead opting to immerse themselves with custom-made weapon controllers.

One FFXIV content creator went even further than mere controllers, however, instead attempting to use their voice as the input device.

FFXIV content creator Just Jordy set out to challenge his Warrior of Light Desmond Doomfist. With a party behind them and no keyboard or mouse in hand, they hopped into two dungeons as a dark knight.

Jordy was able to control their character purely with voice commands, stating commands like “Right, Left, Unmend”. Obviously, with a game as complex as FFXIV, there were growing pains in learning how to collect all the mob’s aggro as the tank. However, Jordy was able to get a hang of it eventually allowing them to progress, albeit at a slower pace than usual.

Issues did arise when moving out of the many bosses’ AOE abilities, which would indicate on the floor before going off. Unfortunately due to the slight delay and unwieldy nature of the voice commands, Jordy wasn’t able to dodge all of them. Luckily they were playing Dark Knight, which naturally gains tank stats.

Using only voice commands, Jordy and their party were able to clear both Halitali and the Aurum Vale. This is an applaudable effort considering one is notoriously difficult for an early-game dungeon.