Does Final Fantasy XVI have a New Game Plus mode?

Andrew Highton
close up of clive rosfield in final fantasy 16

Final Fantasy XVI has almost arrived and there’s a lot of new content for fans to enjoy, but does the game have a New Game Plus mode to enjoy?

New Game Plus has become an extremely popular game mode in recent years with many players loving the ability to carry over all their best gear and stats into a brand-new save file to replay content which will occasionally feature new designs and stronger enemies.

With Final Fantasy XVI just around the corner now, one question on fans’ minds is if the game will include a New Game Plus mode at launch.

Past games in the franchise have either not included the feature, or have had it added in years after release, so here’s what you need to know about if Final Fantasy XVI has a New Game Plus mode.

clive rosfield in final fantasy 16 trailer

Does Final Fantasy XVI have New Game Plus?

Fans will be glad to know that Final Fantasy XVI does include New Game Plus as a feature.

Director Hiroshi Takai said this about the feature prior to the game’s release: “There’s also New Game Plus, which carries over your play data, and you’re able to play the game again. And you can do that in story-focused mode or action-focused mode, but for New Game Plus we also have a third mode that we introduced called the Final Fantasy mode, which not only is more challenging, but also changes enemy placement and the enemies that you fight, so it’s a completely different experience.”

Following this interview, an IGN first look at New Game Plus was shared on the publication’s YouTube channel. The video features Hiroshi Takai and combat director Ryota Suzuki demonstrating two examples of the New Game Plus experience.

The first is an early area where Clive initially battles a mid-level Wyvern boss but in the NG+ playthrough, the fight is with a Chimera instead. In the second area, Clive has to battle an axe-wielding soldier in the base game but in New Game Plus this is replaced by the iconic Iron Giant.

That’s everything you need to know about New Game Plus in Final Fantasy XVI! For more guidance with the game, check out our other guides:

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