Exploit in Fortnite allows players to get past the wall in Food Fight LTM

Calum Patterson

The most unique feature of the new Food Fight LTM in Fortnite is the large wall which splits the map for the first five minutes, but players have discovered a way to get past it and reach the enemy side.

Like something straight out of the Game of Thrones universe, the large wall splits the map in half and gives each team five minutes to prepare their defenses before the battle begins.

Once the wall drops, teams are free to battle it out, attempting to destroy the other team’s mascot to win the game.

However, it turns out that the wall may not be as foolproof as intended, as some clever players have discovered you can in fact reach the other side before the five minutes is up.

Although the wall covers the whole map on ground level, by simply building down to water level, you can in fact get below the wall, and then simply build up.

As shown by Reddit user u/Mario4736 shows that once you get up to the other side, you can surprise the enemy team and attack them.

This is almost certainly not intentional, and Epic Games will no doubt look to fix this once they realize it is possible.

For now though, you may as well try to make the most of this exploit for a few cheap kills – although make sure you have enough materials build your way across, you don’t want to get stuck halfway!

In the Food Fight LTM however there is increased material harvesting, meant to allow for better defenses, so you should have no problem getting enough.