Alien Isolation: Can you kill the Xenomorph?

Olly Smith
alien isolation can you kill the xenomorph

The titular Xenomorph in Alien Isolation is one of the biggest threats during your time aboard the Sevastopol. But can you kill the alien?

Alien Isolation is a fan favorite amongst horror gamers, owing to its chilling sci-fi atmosphere and intense survival gameplay. And one of the more terrifying aspects of the game is the fact you’re constantly being stalked by the alien.

The alien species, described in the 1979 movie as “The Perfect Organism”, is a deadly and formidable foe. But can you kill the Xenomorph? Here’s what we can tell you.

Alien Isolation can you kill the xenomorph

Can you kill the Xenomorph in Alien: Isolation?

You can’t kill the Xenomorph in Alien: Isolation. The alien is invincible, meaning that shooting it or blowing it up will not defeat the specimen. 

This doesn’t mean you are completely helpless against the creature though. There are ways you can use your firepower to distract it or scare it away temporarily. It’ll come back eventually, but you’ll have enough time to save yourself from certain doom.

For example, you can use the various tools in your possession against the Xenomorph. Throughout the game you’ll gain flares, noisemakers and flashbangs which will divert its attention long enough for you to escape.

You can also outright scare the alien away by using weapons against it. Carefully aim a Molotov Cocktail or Pipe Bomb in its vicinity and the explosion will cause it to flee to the nearest air vent. It’ll leave you alone for a short time before coming back. 

Using your Flamethrower also achieves the same effect, but beware of the ammunition cost. A few quick taps is enough to make it run away.

Take caution not to overuse these tactics against the alien. The more you do it, especially on higher difficulties, the more the Xenomorph is able to predict your behavior and adjust its own accordingly.

This means that while a few quick bursts of the flamethrower is initially enough to scare it away, eventually you may need to shoot more flames at it to achieve the same effect. This will cost you more ammo in the long term.

And that’s all we can tell you about whether or not you can kill the Xenomorph in Alien: Isolation.