Asmongold doubts Bobby Kotick’s departure will change anything at Activision

Shane Black
Asmongold & Bobby Kotick

Asmongold spoke about the recent departure of Bobby Kotick from Activision during a livestream to share his thoughts about the situation.

Bobby Kotick first became the CEO of Activision (formerly Mediagenic) in 1991, and served this role until the end of this past year.

The past few years, however, were mired in controversy, starting in 2021 when California sued the company for creating a culture of sexual harassment.

His departure from the company is being celebrated among players, and now Asmongold has shared his thoughts about the future of Activision and its games.

Asmongold doubts anything will change after Bobby Kotick leaves Activision

During a recent livestream, Asmongold was scrolling through his subreddit when he came across a tweet from a senior designer for World of Warcraft, who did not have kind words for Kotick.

Calling the former CEO a “pathetic ghoul,” the designer went on to say: “Waste the millions you didn’t earn from people whose talent and light you will never understand.”

Asmongold, though finding this tweet humorous, did have a response to it about what is going to happen with Activision – and he isn’t very optimistic.

“Point is, yeah, a lot of people are very happy that Bobby Kotick is gone,” he explained, “In my opinion, by the way, I don’t think that Bobby Kotick leaving is going to have any impact on us, as players. I just don’t really think so.”

He claimed that Kotick is a “great villain,” as in a perfect person for people to put the blame on for the state of Activision Blizzard games.

Asmongold, though, argued that Kotick very likely had no idea or clue about how the games were being made. He asserts that the developers are still going to make their games in the same way.

He explained, “The reason why people stopped playing games wasn’t because of the sexual harassment lawsuit. It’s because the game sucked.”

Some of Asmongold’s viewers offered the rebuttal that Kotick was the one who created the culture that not only allowed the harassment, but that also created these design processes and ideas.

Asmongold acknowledged this and agreed, while also saying that he hopes he is wrong about his prediction.

Players will have to wait and see what changes – if any – come to Activision with Kotick leaving and the company now being owned by Microsoft and Xbox.