Elder Scrolls Online director wants to see iconic franchise turned into live-action movie

Eleni Thomas
Elder Scrolls movie

The Elder Scrolls franchise is one of gaming’s biggest, and for Online creative director Rich Lambert, the idea of the beloved IP being adapted to television or film is one he thinks is a really “cool” idea.

When it comes to big fantasy gaming franchises, the Elder Scrolls series has been a staple of the industry for decades now. From the legendary single-player experiences to the almost 10-year-old Elder Scrolls Online, the franchise has a magnitude of lore and worldbuilding that fans are certainly passionate about.

In a recent interview with Dexerto, Elder Scrolls Online creative director Rich Lambert discussed the potential of an Elder Scrolls movie or TV series coming to screens in the future. Much like how the world of Fallout is currently being prepped for the silver screen.

Lambert assured nothing concrete is in the works at the time of writing, but that he himself as well as the Bethesda at large would all move to see the franchise jump into either live-action or some sort of animated adaptation.

Elder Scrolls movie
Elder Scrolls is one of the biggest gaming franchises of all time

“I think it would be cool if we could do it. I just don’t know how we would,” began Lambert during his conversation with Dexerto at PAX Australia.

While the franchise has made a name for itself by allowing players to create their own characters and move through the world as they see fit, there is no denying the world-building rivals the great fantasy novels and movies of our time.

And as someone who’s a big fantasy fan and has been working on Elder Scrolls content for almost 20 years, Lambert feels as though the franchise has been able to successfully toe the line between conventional fantasy elements while also bringing something new to the table.

“I’m a big fantasy buff and I think Elder Scrolls has such a distinct style. Obviously, you look at things like elves, something that’s a very classic fantasy trope. However, I think within Elder Scrolls, you’ve really been able to cement yourselves having these conventional elements, but being very distinct.”

Elder Scrolls fans are gunning for an adaptation of the beloved gaming franchise

Lambert then went on to acknowledge that Elder Scrolls fans have been calling for the fantasy gaming world to be adapted for some time now. “That’s something the community has actually been asking for for a long time. They really want an Elder Scrolls movie, they love our CGI trailers when we do them.” 

Elder Scrolls movie
Would you be excited to see an Elder Scrolls movie?

The creative director then added, “Here’s hoping it happens in the future because there are a lot of great stories in the Elder Scrolls world that are still yet to be told.”

With more Elder Scrolls Online content on the way and the looming release of the sixth single-player game, the team is likely to have their heads down working on the gaming side of things. However, streaming services such as Netflix and HBO have made a name for themselves by adapting popular video game IPs of late.

The Witcher, Sonic, and The Last of Us are just a few examples of how video games have been able to break the curse and be adapted into popular television and movie products.

After more Elder Scrolls news, content and guides? Be sure to check out Dexerto’s full coverage here.