Gamers divided on whether NieR’s 2B guest stars in too many games

Carver Fisher
2B Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising

With 2B getting revealed in Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising almost 7 years after NieR:Automata’s release, it’s sparked a debate amongst gamers as to whether she’s been overused as a guest character.

NieR:Automata is the game that took Yoko Taro’s unique game design philosophy and storytelling into the mainstream, with NieR:Replicant even getting a remake following Automata’s success as the series began to explode in popularity.

Over the past few years, however, that popularity has led to 2B being one of if not the most common guest characters in gaming. She’s been in a lot of stuff despite only starring in one game, and fans of the title have been so hungry for news on the title that an elaborate Easter egg hoax took the internet by storm around a year ago.

And, while loyal fans of the series are still glad to see her years after Automata’s release, there are those who are feeling a bit fatigued by seeing 2B guest star in everything.

NieR’s 2B may have overstayed her welcome

2B wearing a kitsune mask

Other than projects Yoko Taro has worked on like the now-defunct SINoALICE and subsequent NieR Reincarnation mobile games, 2B has been in a lot of games. Here’s just a small list of the games she’s appeared in:

  • Fall Guys
  • Rainbow 6: Siege
  • Soulcalibur 6
  • Final Fantasy XIV
  • Goddess of Victory: NIKKE
  • PUBG
  • Granblue Versus (soon)

Bear in mind that this isn’t even a complete list, and it doesn’t feature any of the titles that have featured her costume or other NieR characters in them. Not only has she made an appearance in many titles over the years, she’s also featured across a wide variety of genres.

This has led to some gamers being a bit fatigued from seeing 2B guest start so often in so many different games, with some claiming it feels like they’re “milking” the character rather than just releasing a new game fans can look forward to.

She’s had over a dozen appearances outside of NieR:Automata of varying degrees. In some cases, she’s just a skin for an existing character. In others, she’s a wholly new character with her own abilities and/or moveset.

And that’s without mentioning the various bizarre collabs for the series.

Meanwhile, fighting game veteran and content creator Maximilian is very excited to see her arrive in Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising, claiming that she’s a perfect fit for the game.

Him and many of his fans are excited to get their hands on her moveset that’s very faithful to the source material, something that skins and merchandise can’t offer.

“Everytime I see 2B as a guest character in a fighting game I get so hyped. I’m so glad she’s become so popular.” said one of the commenters in Max’s video.

Ultimately, as long as people keep buying skins and characters associated with 2B, she’ll probably keep guest starring. Now it just remains to be seen if she’ll have a star role in the next NieR game, especially considering the events that transpired in Automata’s storyline.