Harmonium The Musical revealed at The Game Awards 2023

Eleni Thomas
Harmonium The Musical header

A brand new video game called Harmonium The Musical was revealed at The Game Awards 2023, the beautiful art style and focus on music also touted as having a major focus on accessibility.

When it comes to accessibility, the video game industry has been making waves in recent years, with big titles as well as smaller indie projects all working hard to create projects that can be played by as many people as possible.

At The Game Awards 2023, a brand new video game named Harmonium The Musical officially debuted. The new title centers around music and looks like something straight out of a Disney Princess musical.

With a distinct visual style and developed by The Odd Gentlemen, a company who is committed to accessibility in their projects, Harmonium The Musical is one to watch for gamers who love tapping into the musical side and passion.

This article is currently being updated with further information.