How to claim For Honor Prime Gaming reward drops (December 2021)

Lauren Bergin
prime gaming for honor rewards dexerto

Wondering how to claim For Honor’s Prime Gaming rewards? Here’s everything you’ll have to do to snag some free loot.

Ubisoft’s For Honor pits some of history’s greatest warriors against one another in a battle for virtual domination, offering players a chance to walk in the footsteps of giants.

Not only will you have to master diverse styles of warfare from all across the globe, you’ll need to make sure your armies are up to par and ready to be tested.

Thankfully, Amazon Prime are here to help you out in your endeavour to snatch the throne once and for all by gifting players a series of free rewards. So, without further ado, here’s how to claim them.


for honor art
For Honor truly is the clash of the titans.

In order to start claiming your treasures, you’ll need to ensure that your Ubisoft account is connected to your Prime Gaming one.

Of course, this requires you to have an active Amazon Prime subscription, so if you don’t have one of these you won’t be able to participate in this promotion.

If you’re all set with Prime and ready to scavenge some goodies, here’s how to link your accounts:

  1. Visit Ubisoft’s account link page
  2. Click ‘Link’
  3. Sign into the account with an active Amazon Prime sub.
  4. From here, follow the prompts and sign into your Ubisoft account.
  5. Congrats! Your accounts are now linked!

How to get For Honor Prime Gaming rewards

Once you’re accounts are all linked and victory is on the horizon, there’s only a few more steps you’ll need to complete to claim your game-changing prizes:

  1. Visit the Prime Gaming website
  2. Scroll down to ‘For Honor
  3. Click ‘Claim‘ on the relevant rewards
  4. Log into For Honor to activate your new content.

Current For Honor Prime Gaming Rewards: December

for honor prime gaming rewards december 2021
For Honor’s Prime Gaming rewards will keep you one step ahead of the competition.

For Honor’s Prime Gaming goodies are all about boosting your character to assert dominance on the medieval misfits that are trying to stop you.

This month, players will receive:

  • 7 Days Champion Status: Gives you more salvage from dismantling, more end match and event loot, a 40% XP boost for yourself and 20% XP boost for others, alongside 3 exclusive champion emblems and the For Honor Green Ribbon.
  • 2 Scavenger Crates: Drop items for you to enhance your character with.
  • 3 Battle Pass Tiers: Allows you to advance three stages in the battle pass, and claim the associated rewards.

So that’s everything you need to know to claim For Honor’s Prime Gaming drops! Looking to etch your name into the history books and claim the title historical hero? Be sure to check out our dedicated page.