Is Alone in the Dark coming to Steam Deck?

James Lynch
A character in Alone in the Dark (Steam Deck guide)

As the technology continues to improve, more people are turning to handhelds to play their PC games. Of those, the Steam Deck is one of the most popular. Here’s everything you need to know about running the upcoming horror Alone in the Dark on the platform.

Alone in the Dark is an exciting reimagining of the 1992 cult classic original. That game would go on to define a generation of horror games, so it will be interesting to see if this is similarly influential.

The story follows Emily Hartwood, played by Killing Eve’s Jodie Comer, and private investigator Edward Carnby, played by David Harbour of Stranger Things fame. The pair head to a home for the “mentally fatigued,” to investigate the disappearance of Emily’s uncle, Jeremy. From there, things go predictably horribly.

Read on for the full breakdown on whether it’s possible to face the game’s evil denizens on Steam Deck.

Alone in the dark reboot header image
Alone in the Dark is a new reboot of the series.

Can you play Alone in the Dark on Steam Deck? 

The developers behind the game have said that they are targeting compatibility for launch. That said, Alone in the Dark has not been verified for the Steam Deck, and there has been no further update from the developer on how successful they have been in ensuring its playability on the platform.

That said, it is clearly on Pieces Interactive and THQ Nordic’s radar ahead of the game’s full release. Additionally, the confirmed recommended specs are within the tolerance for the current hardware in the Steam Deck.

Although we cannot verify at this juncture, it’s likely that Alone in the Dark will be playable in some form. The relatively simple, console-style control system should also lend itself well to the handheld.

That’s all there is to know about Alone in the Dark’s Steam Deck compatibility before launch. If the game does receive full verification from Valve or further updates from the developer, this guide will be updated accordingly.