Leaker claims Bioshock 4 is in “development hell” as fans await updates

Jessica Filby
Bioshock 4 leak

The new Bioshock game has been floating in the wind for years now, with fans constantly wondering about the status of Bioshock 4. Now, a leaker is claiming that the reason for its elusive status is that the game is in “development hell”.

It’s no secret that creating a video game as highly anticipated as a new Bioshock would be a tricky endeavor. After all, recreating the same feeling many had when playing the previous games is a challenge that many worry will never be achieved.

Years after the game was first teased, fans are still wondering where the next Bioshock game could be and why the developers aren’t releasing any information regarding its completion.

Well, it’s now been claimed by a leaker that the new Bioshock is in “development hell” after a series of leadership changes, rewrites, and disorganized work structure.

Leaker claims Bioshock 4’s development is “so difficult and taking so long”

“Despite a complete change in development leadership, the Bioshock series is still haunted by the curse of problematic development,” claimed the leaker as they went into more detail regarding why Bioshock is taking so long.

They went on to claim that “in the summer of 2022 the project was rebooted for the fourth time” with the development team dealing with a “highly disorganized” work structure after being severely impacted by the pandemic, among other challenging events.

On top of this, the leaker blamed the considerable delay on how the narrative team “have been unable to write a script worthy of a renowned franchise,” suggesting that the team is struggling to match the popularity of previous titles.

Ultimately, stating the issues regarding “poor management, uncertainty about financial success, and questionable staff decisions”, the leaker warned fans that the game was extremely delayed and struggling to see any sense of release.

The true status of the next Bioshock game is yet to be revealed, but if the leaker is anything to go by, it seems fans may have to wait much longer than originally hoped to jump back into Rapture all over again.