New indie horror game challenges you to refund it after completion

Jessica Filby
The refund me if you can writing over Sarahs face

This new indie horror game actively challenges you to refund it if you can complete the whole game in under two hours. But it’s not as easy as it sounds.

The brand new indie horror game, Refund Me If You Can, has been gaining some impressive traction on Steam and social media for one reason: it actively wants you to get your money back. That being said, simply playing and completing the game in under two hours is far from easy.

Created by Sungame Studio, Refund Me If You Can centers on the protagonist, Sarah, who seems to be having a nightmare that she’s being chased by a loud and undeniably deadly monster. Your job is to traverse the terrifying maze in search of an exit from this neverending nightmare, and with over 100 different paths to choose from, the struggle is real. Thankfully you get to place flares down to mark different routes, meaning you should hopefully never go the same way twice.

There are two things persuading players to dive into this short experience: the fact they get their money back and that if you beat it within the two hours, you get an achievement. Any achievement hunters will not be able to resist attempting this great indie horror game just for that particularly rare achievement. As for the money, it only costs $3.99 so failing to get it done in two hours isn’t the end of the world.

The premise of the game revolves around Steam’s refund policy which typically rules that if a game has been played for less than two hours you can get your money back. After all, two hours is usually enough time to get into a game. It’s not been acknowledged if Steam is okay with this loophole in their policy but players and the creators seem to love the new challenge.