OTK Media expands with new indie publishing venture Mad Mushroom

Brianna Reeves

The company behind OTK Games Expo is spreading its wings by establishing Mad Mushroom, a new indie publishing firm.

Media company One True King (OTK) hosted its second annual OTK Games Expo on Saturday, June 10. Those not in attendance were able to stream the festivities live on Asmongold’s Twitch channel.

Content creators Asmongold, Emiru, Esfand, Mizkif, Nmplol, Sodapoppin, and Tips Out founded the company in 2020. Notably, 2022 marked its first expo and this year’s event placed 30-plus indie titles center stage.

The crew at OTK has its sights squared on new endeavors, too, one of them being the establishment of a games publishing house.

OTK announces Mad Mushroom, an indie publishing company

During the Games Expo, OTK announced its latest endeavor, Mad Mushroom – a next-gen indie game publisher “positioned to revolutionize the gaming industry.”

With the benefit of influencers and media platforms on its side, the publishing group aims to provide indie developers with “unparalleled game visibility, marketing, and distribution.”

The involvement of OTK owners and influencers Asmongold, Emiru, Esfand, Extra Emily, and Sodapoppin further facilitates such a feat.

According to a press release, several industry veterans also joined Mad Mushroom to foster smooth operations. Lead Advisor Mike Sibowitz, a nearly 20-year veteran whose resume includes Activision and Square Enix, serves as one such individual.

Ultimately, gamers can expect Mad Mushroom to produce a variety of quality indie titles from all manner of genres.

To do so, Sibowitz and the OTK crew plan to assist small teams in steering clear of predatory publishing deals, provide game testing and reviews, and offer access to content creators and influencer marketing.

Sibowitz said in a statement, “What sets us apart is our unprecedented exposure through the extensive influencer talent and creators within the OTK Network. By harnessing their power, we can amplify the reach and visibility of indie games, revolutionizing the industry and helping them thrive.”