Payday 3 modders are already replacing game’s controversial HUD

Noelle Corbett
Screenshot from Payday 3 mission 99 Boxes

Payday 3’s revamped HUD has been widely criticized by fans, and a modder has already provided players with a way to make it feel a little more like Payday 2.

Payday 3‘s release has been, to say the least, messy. While the action-packed heist gameplay itself has been praised, the game overall has been criticized for its online requirement, matchmaking issues, and more.

One point of contention is the game’s HUD, which players have called a massive step down from Payday 2.

Already, modders are working to replace Payday 3’s UI with something closer to its predecessor, starting with the game’s assault indicator.

Payday 3 mod lets players use Payday 2’s assault indicator

While Payday 3 has only been out for a couple of days, modder Mal0 has already released the PD2 Assault Indicator UI mod.

The mod reintroduces Payday 2’s indicator, which fans agree is far more stylish and distinct than that of its successor. Payday 3’s is much more minimalist, something fans have called “the biggest downgrade” in the sequel.

Already, the mod is being praised by players, who hope future mods will replace the entire HUD with that of Payday 2 or even Payday: The Heist.

Considering how important modding has been to the series, it’s no surprise players would already be making changes and improvements to Payday 3. ModWorkshop and Nexus Mods are full of fan-made content that improve or change up Payday 2, with some of the most popular mods have tens of thousands of downloads.

As developer Starbreeze Studios works to improve a game Dexerto’s own review called “half-baked in its current state,” there’s no doubt modders will be along for the ride making their own changes to Payday 3.

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