How to play Payday 3 solo

Andrew Highton
payday 3 squad moving forward

Payday 3 may be a multiplayer game, but players may still want to play alone. But how exactly do you play Payday 3 solo? Here’s how to play without other players in your lobby.

It’s no secret that Starbreeze Studios’ Payday series has garnered a dedicated fanbase, becoming a cornerstone in the world of cooperative multiplayer games. Hellacious heisting is the heartbeat of the game, and despite returning for a third entry, many of its traits and nuances actually remain the same.

For those who are just checking out Payday 3 though, the burning question may be how to play the game in solo mode. Starbreeze has not made the feature easy to find, and if you’re a new player wanting to test the waters before jumping into an online match, it can be surprisingly difficult to find.

Here’s how to play Payday 3 solo, without any online players joining you.

how to play payday 3 solo - loadout screen

How to play Payday 3 solo

To play Payday 3 solo, you need to open an Invite Only lobby. Since the game does not have the option to play an offline or single-player lobby, the only way to play with the bot teammates is to open a lobby where other players can’t fill the free spots.

To do this, head to the play screen on the main menu and hit the Heists button. Once you’re in there, you’ll be able to choose any of the available missions and start matchmaking. Instead of searching for a public lobby however, you’ll need to hit the arrow where it says Public and change it until it says Invite Only.

how to play payday 3 solo - matchmaking

Once you’re ready to play, you can hit matchmake and the game will sort you into a private lobby where only other players you specifically invite can join. From here, feel free to sort out your loadout and then hit ready to start playing.

While it’s not an ideal situation, this is the only way to play Payday 3 solo right now. A pure offline single-player mode has not been included in launch but may come later in a patch.

Payday 3 is set to be another thrilling, exhilarating FPS experience that will steal your attention. If you want more guides on the game too, we have plenty of other articles to check out:

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