Postal 3 devs say “rest in piss” to their game and tell players to pirate it

Carver Fisher
Postal rest in piss pirate game

Following some DRM issues that forced Postal 3 to be delisted from Steam, Postal creators Running With Scissors have held a “rest in piss” celebration and have told fans to pirate the title.

Postal 3’s development cycle was troubled to say the least. The game’s reception upon release was mixed at best, with critics citing bugs and game-breaking glitches as being something that marred the overall experience.

Postal creators Running With Scissors outsourced Postal 3’s development to a Russian publisher and developer according to a Steam forum post from Toploader, a developer at RWS at the time.

It was decided that removing Postal 3 from sale was in the “best interest of the Postal Community“, something clarified in another forum post.

It was since re-published on Steam in late 2021 by Akella, the publisher that originally worked with RWS, and had DRM issues that made the game unplayable upon purchase. With it being removed from Steam once again due to these issues, the developers have celebrated P3’s death in an unconventional way.

Postal 3 developers tell game to “rest in piss”

Postal is a game series known for its dark, crude humor and over-the-top protagonist. There are very few games that give you a piss button, but, in the Postal series, it’s a feature.

That said, Running With Scissors clearly wasn’t too keen on how Postal 3 came out. Being pushed to the point of removing a game with their name on it from being sold back in 2012 speaks volumes for their opinion on the title.

When asked in a tweet thread if they’d be willing to remake the game, they replied, “No we’re good. Games are expensive and we’d rather not rehash that horrible moment in time.”

Now, to celebrate Postal 3 being de-listed for a second time, Running With Scissors has celebrated the game’s death with the “Rest In Piss P3 Celebration“.

With a few middle-finger mouse clicks and a very suspiciously tinted headstone signifying Postal 3’s sendoff, these devs can say goodbye to a game that, as they stated earlier, was a “horrible moment in time.”

They replied “Yes” to a tweet from someone asking if they could pirate the game, and have also put out a quick statement in regards to other means of getting the game.

“Yes, we are completely aware there’s other “methods” to get Postal 3, but at least people won’t be tricked on Steam to buy this shiiieeeet.”

Postal 4 and Postal: Brain Damaged have since been released by the developer, both of which have had much better critical and fan reception than the third game in the series.