Skull and Bones PvP explained: How to play PvP contracts

Rishov Mukherjee
A screenshot from the game Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones, the long-awaited Pirate-themed game from Ubisoft, is finally here. As a title inspired by Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, some multiplayer fans might be wondering whether they can play PvP in the game or not. Here’s what we know.

Skull and Bones is one of the most anticipated games of 2024, and after a string of delays, the game is finally out.

This game brings the Black Flag style to life where you will engage in ship battles and live your life as a full-blown pirate in the Indian Ocean.

As it happens, the core gameplay of Skull and Bones revolves around PvE. However, players are eager to learn if the game features PvP as well.

Here is what we know about PvP in Skull and Bones.

A screenshot from the game Skull and Bones
Skull and Bones does not have a dedicated PvP

Does Skull and Bones have PvP?

No, Skull and Bones does not have a dedicated PvP mode. In other words, you do not have an option where you can turn on matchmaking and start fighting against other players. However, the game does provide you with the option to get a taste of PvP through World Events or contracts.

How to play PvP in Skull and Bones

In order to play PvP in Skull and Bones, you will have to take part in World Events or contracts. There are currently a few contracts that allow you to engage in PvP. These are Cutthroat Cargo Hunt, Hostile Takeover, and Helm Wager.

Cutthroat Cargo Hunt is a proper PvP event where you will have to steal cargo from a merchant ship and deliver it to the designated destination. In this event, while you are stealing cargo from merchant ships, you can also steal it from other players and take it for your own.

In Hostile Takeover you will take to take over an outpost that consists of a production chain. However, you will not be alone as other players will participate in it as well and the entire event turns into a race.

During Helm Wager, you’ll have to get to a particular place marked on the map. However, as soon as it starts, you’ll be persecuted by other players trying to sink your ship. If they manage to do so, you’ll lose all your coins.

These are the only events that allow PvP as of now. However, Ubisoft is expected to add more PvP content in the game in the future.

skull and bones

Can you turn off PvP in Skull and Bones?

No, you can’t turn off the PvP content in Skull and Bones. This is because the PvP events or contracts are all optional, so the only way for you to take place in one is by willingly accepting them.

Due to how new the game is, Ubisoft could opt to add more PvP content in the future, so we will update this guide if that happens.

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