Super Mario Bros. Wonder preview: Multiplayer Mayhem is back and familiar

Eleni Thomas
Super Mario Bros Wonder preview header

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is the next installment in the beloved Nintendo platformer franchise. With some new abilities and more great multiplayer fun, here is Dexerto’s full preview of the upcoming game.

The next Super Mario Bros. game is set to release on October 20, 2023. In the lead-up to its launch, Dexerto was able to sit down with the game at PAX Australia and play a brief demo. While the game is of course a classic Mario experience, some new features added into the mix make Wonder another fresh and fun instalment in the beloved Nintendo franchise.

In saying that though, the game does still feel like another cog in the Super Mario Bros. chain. While there is no denying that Nintendo rarely misses with the Mario franchise, maybe it’s time that Super Mario Bros. gets a makeover. Continue reading for our full preview below on what players can expect from the new game when it releases next month.

New Elephant Fruit power adds even more chaos to Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Very much in line with a traditional Super Mario Bros. experience, the game thrives when it is played with friends and family. During our preview, we played through Wonder as a group of four. The chaos of playing together paired with some fun platforming is a great way to sit back and enjoy some games with those around you in a local setting.

A highlight from the preview was when players were given the ability to transform their characters into giant elephants. This ability is available through eating the new Elephant Fruit that has been introduced in Wonder. In this form, players are almost indestructible and can deal some major damage around the map.

The extra height and size also make it easier to reach up to higher sections of the map and allow for some unique combos with other players. When playing through the preview, we noticed that the players who were still in this basic form could carry Elephant characters on their backs. A clever and hilarious little detail but one that heightened the fun and made for some unique movements and attacks.

Still a classic Super Mario Bros experience at its core

Of course, it is still a Super Mario Bros. game. The features that have made it such a staple of the gaming world are still there. Platforming, enemies, power-ups, and all.

Super Mario Bros Wonder image
Super Mario Bros Wonder is leveling up the experience

The classic roster of Mario characters is available for players to pick and choose from. Therefore, those who love the franchise and the experience can rest easy knowing it is another great addition to the Super Mario Bros empire.

For those looking for something different to shake up the formula, however, Wonder probably isn’t the game for you. At least from our brief demo, there wasn’t anything here that really moved the needle beyond what you’d expect.

Is it fun? Certainly. But is it something wholly original demanding your attention? Not exactly. So it remains to be seen if Wonder will capture the hearts and minds of Nintendo fans worldwide once again, despite its relatively safe design.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is set to release on October 20, 2023. For all the latest news and updates on all things Mario, be sure to check out Dexerto’s full coverage here.